ReportedCalls is an interactive computer service hosting complaints
about phone calls and text messages which were
provided by our website users and the United States Federal Commissions. We host complaints
information about phone
numbers such as the total number and locations of the complaints, issues, and subjects of
the call, etc. All statistics
are freely available to anyone using our website. was founded in 2017 to help people search and identify potential spam and
scam phone numbers. Today,
our database includes over 9 million complaints about more than 3 million North American
Numbering Plan phone numbers.
More than 300 thousand people use our phone number lookup
service every
ReportedCalls is a service provider where the majority of the content is supplied by our service users and well-known organizations. We host complaints and other information which were provided by the following sources:
Please email us with any questions, requests, or suggestions at [email protected].
Follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Linkedin to stay informed about the latest complaints statistics.